What’s Happening at the North Fork Public Libraries?
Storytime for Babies, Tots, and Preschoolers at the Crawford Library. Stories, games, songs, activities, and crafts for kids 0-5 and their parents or caretakers. Thursdays starting at 10:30 a.m. Contact the Library at 399-7783 for details.
Craft Day. Don’t miss a chance to get crafty in your community! Check with the Library for details. Friday, November 20 at 1:00 p. m.
Holiday Card Making and Gingerbread Houses. Bring your family to the Crawford Library for some holiday cheer and fun craft projects! Thursday, December 3 at 1:00 p. m.
Holiday Card Making. Get inspired for the holidays! Jan Ryan will provide tips and supplies to make exceptional holiday cards this season. Friday, December 4 at 1:00 p. m.
Computer Tutor. Librarians will be available to help you with questions and problems about computers or mobile devices. Just drop in during regular library hours or call ahead for a specific time. Contact the Library at 399-7783 for details.
Storytime for Babies, Tots, and Preschoolers at the Hotchkiss Library. Wednesdays starting at 10:30 a.m. Join us for stories, activities, and crafts downstairs in the Hotchkiss Library. Contact the Library at 399-7781 for details.
Knitting group. Do you knit or Crochet? Join us for ideas, help, and good company. Anyone is welcome to join. Call the Hotchkiss library to get more information on this group. Wednesdays at 4:00 p. m.
Teen/Tween Holiday Party. Join us for a Holiday Party with tasty treats, awesome games, goodies to take home and more!!! For 5th grade and up. Tuesday, December 1 at 4:00 p. m.
Decorate a gingerbread house. Come and decorate your very own gingerbread house. Participants are invited to enter their creations into the gingerbread contest or take them home to enjoy. This event is free and all supplies will be provided, but sign up is required. All ages are welcome, but children under 8 should be accompanied by an adult. For more information call the Hotchkiss Library at 970.399.7781. Thursday, December 3 at 4:00 p. m.
Hotchkiss Gingerbead Contest. Participants are invited to enter their Gingerbread House Creations into the gingerbread contest. Contest details: Categories: Children, Family, Adult Entries: Deliver entries to the Hotchkiss Library anytime during the first week of December. All entries must be submitted by Thursday December 3rd at 5:00 PM. Judging: Will be open to the public from December 7 – 17th. Winners will be announced December 21st. Pick up: Entries need to be picked up by December 30th.
Tech Help. Librarians will be available to help you with questions and problems about computers or mobile devices. Tuesday –Thursday by appointment. Contact the Library at 399-7781 for details.
Storytime for Babies, Tots, and Preschoolers at the Paonia Library. Tuesdays starting at 10:30 a.m. Contact the Library at 399-7881 for information.
BeyBlades. Teens and tweens, join us for some serious competition and a lot of fun! Friday, November 20 at 4:00 p. m.
Holiday Coloring Contest. Holiday Coloring Contest for all ages: pick up your age group coloring pages at the Paonia Library, Blue Sage or Paonia Farm and Home Store. Contest runs from November 23-December 5 at 2:00 when library closes. The winners in each age group get to pick out a new book up to $25.00 value.
NaNoWriMo Write In. Writing a novel? Need dedicated time and space to meet the NaNoWriMo goal of 50,000 words? Join other writers in the Delta area for a Write In at the Paonia Library this month. Tuesday November 24 at 6:30 p. m.
Movie at the Library. Come see the much anticipated follow-up movie to “Jurassic Park” on the big screen with your friends and family! Friday, November 27 at 2:00 p. m.
Holiday Book Sale. The Friends of the Paonia Library will have a wonderful selection of gently used materials available for purchase. Stock up on winter reading material, find some great gifts, and have fun with the Friends! Friday, December 4 at 1:00 p. m and Saturday, December 5 10:00 a. m. – 4:00 p.m.
Holiday Puppet Show. Join the Paonia Library Puppeteers for another delightful puppet show the whole family can enjoy. Shows will take place at 11 and 11:30 am. Saturday, December 5.
Movie for Grownups. Paonia Library presents a movie for grownups, about the world’s first consulting detective. Garnering great reviews, Ian McKellan stars as Sherlock in his later years (struggling with early dementia but still possessing most of that remarkable mind), with Laura Linney as his housekeeper. Tuesday, December 8 at 6:00 p. m.
Tags: Colorado, Crawford, Hotchkiss, Paonia, public library