Region 10 project broadband fiber would proceed into Hotchkiss from the DMEA substation south of town via 3400 road.
Vote YES on State Law opt-out to Facilitate Broadband.
Dear Editor:
I am writing to encourage the voters in unincorporated Delta County and the voters in Delta, Cedaredge, Hotchkiss, Paonia and Crawford to vote yes to opt out of the provisions of Senate Bill 152 as it relates to broadband. In no way does this obligate any of these entities to operate or contribute financially to efforts to bring greater internet speed and reliability to all of Delta County. It simply provides another tool in the ongoing efforts to make us competitive with the rest of the world.
Also, it has absolutely nothing to do with the $5.2 million dollar grant obtain by Region 10 to bring world class internet service to Delta and Montrose Counties and does not in any way obligate communities to come up with matching funds for that grant.
The hand full of fear mongers voicing these kinds of concerns are at the very least bending the truth and facts, perhaps even outright telling lies. In some cases there are some very self serving motives for those voicing opposition to opting out of SB 152.
We are not in this alone; the City of Montrose has already opted out as have numerous other towns and counties across the State. In this election cycle 17 more Counties, 18 Cities and Towns and two School Districts are seeking voter approval opt out.
Most importantly a strong yes vote sends a loud message to Delta Montrose Electric Assn. that their owner/customers want them to use their access to the fiber optic cable that can make this desperately needed internet service available to everyone.
Tom Huerkamp
Orchard City, CO
And on the same subject from the Town of Hotchkiss:
FYI: Town of Hotchkiss Ballot Question 2-C
The Town of Hotchkiss, has added a question to the ballot of the Delta County coordinated election, along with other Towns and the County, regarding Senate Bill 05-152, which, in 2005, added a section to State Revised Statutes “Competition in Utility and Entertainment Services” that requires municipalities that wish to provide, or partner in the provision of, cable television, telecommunications and advanced services to first hold an election to approve the provision of (or partnering to provide) such services by local government. This includes broadband Internet service.
The ballot measure asks the voters if the Town should be allowed to provide or partner in the provision of telecommunications services including Internet access, thus allowing the Town the freedom and flexibility to work with whatever provider, be it DMEA, TDS or some other entity, in facilitating provision of expanded broadband service to the town.
The Town of Hotchkiss has no intention of going into the broadband service business but sees great value in helping others to provide true broadband to the business and private community at an affordable price. This is seen as very important to future economic development in Delta County.
According to Michelle Haynes of Region 10, the DOLA funded “middle mile” broadband project being done in conjunction with DMEA is within the restrictions of SB 2005-152 and does not depend upon the passing of the telecommunication ballot question. Region 10, DCED, and CML does recommend the passing of the measure since it would add flexibility to the process as well as to last mile (to the home or business) buildout.