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Update on North Fork Public Library Events

December 26th, 2015

Filed under Community, Crawford, Featured, Hotchkiss, News, Paonia

Boots - Cindy Jones 11-13WEB

Scoot your boots on down to your local library for lots of happenings.  Tom Wills photo

Update on North Fork Public Library Events



Storytime for Babies, Tots, and Preschoolers at the Crawford Library. Stories, games, songs, activities, and crafts for kids 0-5 and their parents or caretakers. Thursdays starting at 10:30 a.m. Contact the Library at 399-7783 for details.

Holiday Village Writing Contest. Visit the Crawford Library Holiday Village for writing inspiration or take a look at the photos onwww.deltalibraries.org/holiday-village.  Then enter your poetry or prose in our contest.  Deadline is December 31.  Please visit the website or call the Crawford Library at 399-7783 for more information.


Computer Tutor. Librarians will be available to help you with questions and problems about computers or mobile devices. Just drop in during regular library hours or call ahead for a specific time. Contact the Library at 399-7783 for details.


Storytime for Babies, Tots, and Preschoolers at the Hotchkiss Library.  Wednesdays starting at 10:30 a.m. Join us for stories, activities, and crafts downstairs in the Hotchkiss Library. Contact the Library at 399-7781 for details.

Knitting group.  Do you knit or Crochet? Join us for ideas, help, and good company. Anyone is welcome to join. Call the Hotchkiss library to get more information on this group. Wednesdays at 4:00 p. m.

Tech Help. Librarians will be available to help you with questions and problems about computers or mobile devices. Tuesday –Thursday by appointment. Contact the Library at 399-7781 for details.



Storytime for Babies, Tots, and Preschoolers at the Paonia Library. Tuesdays starting at 10:30 a.m. Contact the Library at 399-7881 for information.

Movie for Break. Paonia Library will show a hit animated movie about the popular small, yellow, cylindrical, creatures who have one or two eyes.  More information is available on the libraries calendar at www.deltalibraries.org. Wednesday, December 30 at 2:00 p. m.

Armchair Travel Series: Barb and Mike Heck. Travel to Northern India with Barb and Mike Heck to meet the Dalai Lama and enjoy the thrill of camel races. Tuesday, January 5 at 6:00 p. m.

Teen and Tween Winter Luau. Chase winter away with tropical fun & games! Friday, January 8 at 4:00 p. m.


12.15 Merry Christmas.indd


spring 2015 flyer pdf


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