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Tawny Roberts Honored at Young Writers’ Award Luncheon

February 27th, 2013

Filed under Community

Tawny Roberts, daughter of Myles and Lisa Roberts, is the latest (and maybe the youngest) valley writer to bring home an award for her creative work.  Tawny received 2nd Place in the Colorado Council of the International Reading Associations annual Young Writers’ Award contest.

Her short story “Grandma Susie,” was selected from entries submitted in the upper primary 3rd & 4th grade writers’ category.

Tawny is a 4th grade student at Hotchkiss K-8 and she was honored at the Young Writers’ Luncheon held in conjunction with the organization’s state conference in Denver on Saturday, February 9.

The Colorado Council of the International Reading Association is a professional organization of educators and community members dedicated to the promotion and advancement of literacy.

Members of CCIRA encourage lifelong habits in literacy and an appreciation of the value of reading and writing.  One of their purposes is to recognize and honor achievements in literacy.

The Young Writers Awards are given to students in Colorado, 1st through 12th grades, who show exemplary skills as an author through short stories with rich content, ideas, organization and word choice.

According to Kristin Filce, the Committee Chairperson, “We are pleased to present Tawny with this award.”

