Paonia River Park is Busy this Summer _
Volunteers Do Improvements
(Submitted by Julia Bowman – WSCC)
As one of the few public access points to the North Fork of the Gunnison River, the
Paonia River Park is a popular place for North Fork Valley residents to escape the
summer heat in the cool water and relax with friends and family.
The River Park is managed by the Western Slope Conservation Center (the Conservation
Center). The Conservation Center coordinated the river restoration efforts in 2013 to
help the riparian area—the area around the river—recover from years of in-stream gravel
mining, and it has continued to develop the River Park into a safe and welcoming
community space.
The River Park was busy with activity this past Wednesday, when eleven volunteers
came together to mow the parking lot area, restore a damaged sign, and clean up the
vegetation along the trail to Minnesota Creek.
“It was a very productive morning,” said Julia Bowman, the Paonia River Park
Coordinator, “We depend on volunteers and park users, to keep the River Park clean and
well-managed. Wednesday was just a great example of people coming together to take
care of a place they care about.”
The Conservation Center volunteers were joined by the Youth Conservation Corps, led
by Paul Kimpling of the US Forest Service, Paonia Ranger District. Usually, the Youth
Conservation Corps works in the backcountry planting trees, reestablishing trail, and
preforming heavy brushing but were excited to partner with the Conservation Center on a
project so close to Paonia.
“It was great to lend some extra muscle to this project and give the kids a chance to
contribute new skills they have been fostering all summer,” Kimpling said. “Partnerships
are valuable, it is not only important for them to see that, but to engage our youth in other
land stewardship projects which serve our local community.”
While the Conservation Center primarily advocates for responsible stewardship of public
lands and water resources, the River Park has continued to be an important project.
“We know the River Park is special to so many people, and we value our ability to
provide river access to the community. Everyone should be able to explore the natural
resources in their proverbial backyards,” said Bowman.
This summer, the Conservation Center is installing an ADA compliant ramp, built by Ira
Houseweart, down to the river and improving the trail to Minnesota Creek at the end of
the season. The Conservation Center also recently received a grant from Great Outdoors
Colorado to install educational signs at the River Park, a project that will be guided by a
community action group.
Other events at the River Park include a biological surveying event, called a BioBlitz, on
August 7th and 8th that is free and open to the public.
Tags: Colorado, Paonia, Paonia River Park, recreation