The Ass Who Wouldn’t Go on Parade and Other Tales of Summer
By Marla Bear Bishop
It’s been a hot dry summer but the hay is thick and rich in the North Fork Valley. We’ve certainly been blessed with water from them there hills. Unlike the last few years where the reservoirs were looking more like ponds by now, the water is deep and still flowing out into the fields. For the first time in a long time, I didn’t cry when Chandra cut and Mike baled the fuel for the beasts of no burden.
Speaking of no burden, I’d say that’s a good way to sum up Eyore’s time at the Cherry Days Parade. He was given a ride to Paonia by someone who he once knew and loved so he only balked a little about going in the first place. Original Brown Barney wailed at the fence, not that he wanted to go himself, but just to cause some indecision. Once at the parade Eyore unloaded, walked down a couple of blocks to the proper location, got dressed in some fancy parade get-up and that’s where it ended. Where it began and ended. That beast of no burden was going no further. No matter how I cajoled, cooed, or beat my ass, the parade was not happening in the manner planned. I tied him to the fence of a lovely green house on the corner where he stood, after being told by a few people that the resident was very nice and would understand why a donkey was tied to her fence, under a nice big tree…all alone…for quite a while. Why a donkey suit, a shovel and a whip were inside her gate. What a nice lady she’d have to be. I’d been gifted gorgeous, blingy parade pants and I wasn’t going to miss all the hoopla even if I was no longer in it. For the first time in forever I was a spectator and what a great parade it was! The Forest Service Mules were the highlight for many in the crowd including me. As I made it back to the green house on the corner where Eyore was parked after eating some outrageous stuffed French toast, (thank-you Barb!) I’d hoped that Eyore had a nice time in the shade and that he’d had lots of visitors and also that no one had turned me into animal control. Turning the corner it was clear that all was well. E was standing calm, cool and collected, awaiting his ride back home. A thanks for the transport was given and that was that for us, Cherry Days 2014. (A side note on this, as I was enjoying tacos at the Paonia Library live local music event, thank-you Ellen Stapenhorst for a fine evening, a lovely woman who lives in the green house on the corner approached me about an ass that had been parked at her fence!)
I went shopping for a bar-b-q grill recently and had the pleasure of discussing the endless choices with a knowledgeable and helpful person I’ll call, Becky. I informed Becky that I was afraid of gas grills, never having dealt with a tank before. I opted for briquettes such as the ones in my youth. I saw on the boxes of a million different brands that the store would assemble them for free. Maybe I wanted to bar-b-q today, who knows. I wasn’t about to make such a monumental purchase and leave it there for 48 hours even if I’m not a gifted put-ter-together-er. I had been looking at small grills for small meals such as single people may eat but somehow Becky and I got to talking about how to get the most bang for your buck and a while later after driving poor Becky crazy with bar-b-q scenarios, as I loaded my new grill into neighbor John’s car, (he was at the barber shop) I was significantly taken aback by a claim on the box that said this grill could hold up to 35 hamburgers! That’s what it said on the box! My new grill had enough room to roast a pig. I guess there was no floor model that I related this to. John and I chose a comfortable spot in the ninety-eight degree heat and put the sucker together while going through a lot of words that can’t be found in the dictionary. I’m proud to say that according to the picture on the box, the two million pieces of metal have turned into a grill that looks similar and ready for a party.
Summer’s been busy and fun, grandchildren are soon to be seen, all equine have had feet trimmed and lots of young people have tied the knot at splendid venues in front of friends and family. Congratulations to everyone!
Don’t forget live music will be in Paonia at the park every week this month, thank-you KVNF, our local public radio station. This is always a fun time for the North Fork to come together as a community and support such a great endeavor. Schedule will appear with dates and entertainment line up all around the Valley.
Have an action packed rest of the summer. I’m sure no one can believe that it’s only a moment before fall and school is just about to start again. Go jump in the lake! Make hay while the sun’s shining and remember, one man’s junk is another man’s treasure. Visit those yard sales or have one for yourself before the cold weather prevents you from clearing out what is not necessary to your best life.
See you at the Fair!
Tags: Colorado, Crawford, Marla Bishop