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Marla: A Good Bye to Farmer Frank’s Plus the Year of Lost Earrings

January 8th, 2015

Filed under Crawford, Featured, Marla's Moments, News

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     Photo by Marla Bear Bishop

A Good Bye to Farmer Frank’s Plus the Year of Lost Earrings

and Malfunctioning Vehicles.

 All by Marla Bear Bishop – Fruitland Mesa/Crawford and beyond correspondent


I haven’t looked forward to a New Year this much in my entire life.  Happy 2015 to everyone! Good things ahead for those with love in their hearts! What a beautiful start to winter, a snowy Solstice, Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanza holiday!

Woke up to a pre-dawn surreal sight.  The beautiful shapes of 17 deer nuzzling the snow for any edible grasses that may be hiding under the white, most welcome ground cover.  We North Forkian’s live in a Colorado calendar, a book of postcards.  This memory will serve me well long into the future, another reminder of the privilege of living in this North Fork Valley.

A good time was had by fellow shoppers and me at Farmer Frank’s sadly and happily “going out of business” sale. Andrea Lecos joined me in drooling over boots while Ashley Krest, mother of shining star Helena, tried on not-so-much fun and not-so-sexy sturdy walking shoes. We had holiday cheer oozing from our collective tiny bank account brains. The experience provided us with the magic of communal lust for footwear but more importantly how fun it is to know your community well enough to guide what your girlfriend’s put on their feet. We even snapped a few pictures, or should I say we asked an unsuspecting woman who was minding her own business to use my unfamiliar phone camera to record our good time. The pictures did not come out the way I had anticipated so you’ll have to leave it to your imaginations how incredibly great we looked loaded up with boot boxes (some empty) and smiles! Candy and Rick, thanks for the adventures over the years. We’ve had some shared heartfelt conversations and interactions over the boots. You and the business will be missed. On the upside, the next part of life will be an exciting adventure and we wish you well! I didn’t dare go next door to see what was happening in “clothing” …maybe next week!

Holiday parties, gatherings with drinks, cookies and cakes might have put a few unneeded buttery substances in our bellies and in our veins but we have the New Year ahead to get healthy again. It’s the time we make these promises while reaching for yet another homemade baked good from our fabulous neighbor. What exactly is the science behind a cookie that weighs only an ounce putting five pounds on one’s butt?

Focus, prayers and wishes for me this year and what I wish for all of us, will be the positive love we want to bring our way, the treasure we will be to others and they to us. No meanness will be allowed in the New Year or any year for that matter. Our hearts will be the hearts we know them to be and no one will betray our trust. (I say this as two dogs are working on some carrion stuck on the fence while I scream obscenities and they boldly ignore me.)

This is the year to really know your value as a human being and not let anyone or any circumstance gut you. A reminder to self.

Through the years I’ve chronicled the loss of phones and glasses, all lost and eventually found. Sometimes in stock tanks or under hay bales a year or so later but always found. This seems to be the year (already!) of the lost earring. Several are out there including but not limited to

1)          Black round intricate wood cut bought from Deb Cheeseman: lost five minutes after she asked me if I needed a little thing on the back that prevents earring departure. Could be in Hotchkiss or out in snow while feeding horses.

2)          Both earrings that I took off and put on my lap while driving. No idea why. I’ve adored this pair for almost twenty years. Could be at liquor store parking lot, City Market parking lot, or donkey’s may be eating around them somewhere out there near stack yard.

3)          Copper and silver dangle single earring. May have been Gail’s at one time. Got at clothing exchange a few years ago and really loved! Somewhere in Colorado for sure.

Please keep your eyes open for any or all of these. My other five million earrings miss them. Reward offered.

On my way home on a very dark night, late late late (but not tipsy) from yet another festive occasion, I rounded the corner at the Smiley Barn and my new old car lost all power, lights, engine, power steering…everything. I couldn’t roll the window down or open the door. I had no idea where the emergency blinkers were and there I sat in the pitch black of night in the middle of the road. My panic somehow got the door to open so I got out for a moment; enough time to realize “in” was less scary than “out” and safer for many reasons. I can’t say how long I sat there with my cell phone app for lighting assistance eating my phone battery, not a single bar of service, trying to figure out whom I could or would call at this hour even if I had service. Then I see approaching lights so I get out and wave my arms around as if anyone wouldn’t see me all dressed up party-like in the road. It so happened to be the kindest man! The kindest man took it upon himself not only to help this damsel in huge distress but after he got my car started up, diagnosed the problem as a computer break-down, he followed me the many miles to my front door so that I wouldn’t be out there on the darkest, longest night of the year. Thank-you, Tom ( a different Tom than my editor). You’re the famous one now! I hope you told someone about what you did and that someone shows you this so that you can know how much I appreciated your help.

This promises to be the best year ever for me, here’s hoping the same for you and yours! Happy New Year!


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