Hotchkiss Nominates Two “Anchor Points” for Region 10 Broadband Project
By Thomas Wills
Hotchkiss Town Council
October 8, 2015
Present: Mayor Wendell Koontz, Tom Wills, Larry Jakubiak, Dustyn Foster, Lindee Cantrell and Jim Roberts. Absent: Carrie Wingfield. Town Clerk Marlene Searle, Deputy Clerk – Ginger Redden, Marshal Dan Miller, Public Works Director – Mike Owens, Town engineer – Joanne Fagan, Bill Long – regional operations manager- TDS Telecom – also Hotchkiss Chamber VP, Trish Thibodo – DCED, Scott Thomason- DCED, Michele Haynes – Region 10 and Lenore Cambria – NFPPRD..
The Hotchkiss board of trustees voted 4-1 at their October 8 meeting to send a letter to Delta County nominating two in-town broadband anchor points(for budgeting purposes) for the Region 10 project that may finally bring true (minimum 25/5 mbs), affordable broadband into the town. In the meantime TDS Telecom has, as of September, begun to offer limited 25/5mbs service in Hotchkiss within 4,200 feet of the Cedar Street TDS server. Similar limited area service is offered in Paonia. This according to Bill Long of TDS.
In a pre-written letter Mayor Wendell Koontz nominated a having a “private” anchor point at Town Hall rather than a consumer neutral location (CNL) open to ISP’s wishing to extend service to the community, along with a second CNL node located only a block away at the Town Shops building. The letter made it clear that the Town was not committing to any monetary funding at this point.
Trustee Tom Wills (this reporter) suggested that the better course would be to have a CNL anchor at the Town Hall/Senior Center, since the Town’s Master Plan recommends eventually selling the Town Shop property eventually. He recommended that a second anchor could be the Hotchkiss K-8 School on the east end of town, thus giving the long, narrow lower town one anchor at each end. The school had submitted a letter expressing an interest is having such an anchor. Koontz questioned whether it was the Town’s place to nominate the school despite their letter. Wills countered by offering a compromise that the K-8 school letter be at least mentioned in the Town’s list of anchors since the purpose of the nomination was to allow Region 10 to formulate a preliminary budget based on the number of anchor points in each Town and amount of cable laying needed to access them.
In the end a motion was made by Larry Jakubiak to send the letter as written. Wills did not attempt to amend the motion and was the single no vote.
Bill Long of TDS, Michelle Haynes of Region 10 and Trish Thibodo of DCED were all present, but were not invited by Koontz to contribute information to the discussion. In lieu of having a possible lengthy debate, Koontz suggested that the matter be part of a work session on the 2016 Town budget. He noted that information being received from the various parties has been inconsistent. The work session was set for Monday, November 2 at 6 p.m. at Town Hall.
DCED Asks for More Economic Development Support
Trish Thibodo, director of Delta County Economic Development (DCED), asked the Council to consider increasing the Town’s contribution from $500 to $1,000 to help support the organization’s very active program efforts. Trustee Larry Jakubiak expressed opposition to the Town spending more money when faced with possible impacts of the series of mine layoffs. Tom Wills took the opposite tact saying that when times were bad was exactly the time to put more effort and money into economic development if the budget allowed. The request will be discussed during the Town’s 2016 budget discussions.
Variance Approved for New Massage Therapist’s Office
Ann Robertson presented a request to add an additional commercial use to her building located on the north east corner of 2nd and Bridge Streets. A variance was needed in lieu of purchasing a half water and sewer tap due to former (1996) owners Forest and Margaret Wheeler having agreed to a deed restriction/covenant limiting the number of uses when an addition (separated, but connected, buildings) was built. This agreement was made in lieu of purchasing additional water and sewer taps.
Robertson, who is a licensed massage therapist, wishes to open an office in the rear of 204 East Bridge. The area, which was once the Hotchkiss Marshal’s office when the building was the Town Hall, already has a bathroom with sink and toilet and there are no plans for additional fixtures.
The Trustees approved the variance to the covenant conditional upon nothing similar to a massage therapist office could be added without further Town approval.
Second Saturday of the Month Proclaimed Shop Hotchkiss Day
Mayor Koontz read, and the Trustees approved, a proclamation making the second Saturday of each month “Shop Hotchkiss Day.” The effort to encourage shopping local was begun by Linda Tullis of the Creamery/Saturday Market and is supported by the Hotchkiss Chamber and their Downtown Improvement/Merchants Committee. On the second Saturday of each month local merchants will offer a variety of special offers and events that will be especially attractive during the holiday season.
Other Discussion and Actions:
A hunting season lease of the sewer plant property for Mark Stewart was renewed on the condition that Stewart had the cooperation of the farmer who has the agricultural lease on the fields. Stewart will facilitate guided hunts for handicapped hunters on the property including ones in collaboration with the Outdoors Alive – Wounded Warrior project that works with disabled veterans.
The Trustees donated $500 to the Hotchkiss Booster Club as a membership.
The Trustees approved a contract with Consolidated Consultants the Town’s engineering firm headed by Joanne Fagan for work/expenses related to the sewer line replacement project.
Lenore Cambria, the new administrator of the North Fork Pool Parks and Recreation District, gave an overview of the District’s efforts and asked for a letter of support to accompany a GOCO grant to help build a planned picnic cover facility near the Pool offices. The Trustees approved the letter and also contributed $250 to the project.
Tags: broadband, Colorado, Hotchkiss, Hotchkiss Town Council, Thomas Wills, Wendell Koontz