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First State Bank of Colorado Announces Scholarships

March 13th, 2013

Filed under Community

In keeping with its belief that an educated community is a strong community, First State Bank of Colorado has announced that scholarship monies will be allocated to one deserving student from each of our branch’s hometown high schools.

Scholarship awards, in the amount of $1,000, will be granted to the student from each branch’s high school that, in the scholarship committee’s opinion, has submitted the best application.

To qualify, a student must plan on attending an accredited institution of higher learning.  Each branch will have an independent scholarship committee and the applications will be judged on merit rather than need.

Applications may be picked up at Hotchkiss, Paonia, Delta, Fountain-Fort Carson, or Custer County High Schools and will be due back to the relevant branch office no later than 5pm on April 5th.  Applications are also available on line at www.FirstStateBank-CO.com.