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Ahead of Next GOP Debate, Thousands of Latino Leaders and Allies Gather to Launch Unprecedented Voter Registration Campaign

October 14th, 2015

Filed under Community, News, Opinion

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Ahead of Next GOP Debate, Thousands of Latino Leaders and Allies Gather to Launch Unprecedented Voter Registration Campaign
In Wake of Anti-Immigrant Attacks, New “My Country, My Vote” Campaign Seeks to Fight Back against Hateful Rhetoric and Hold Candidates Accountable on Immigration
Washington, DC – As anti-immigrant attacks and xenophobic vitriol continue to premediate much of the rhetoric heard on the 2016 campaign trail, a group of Colorado Latino leaders is fighting back.
On Tuesday, October 28th, ahead of the next GOP debate at CU Boulder, thousands of Latino leaders and immigration reform supporters gather at the Farrand Field to both respond to the Republican Party’s latest stream of anti-immigrant attacks and launch “My Country, My Vote,” an unprecedented 12-month voter registration campaign to mobilize Colorado’s Latino, immigrant and allied voters.  In addition to demonstrating the political power of one of the nation’s fastest growing demographics, leaders will also call on the next President and Congress to make passage of fair and comprehensive immigration reform a priority during the first 100 days of the next presidential term.
According to Federico Pena, former Mayor of Denver and a former US Secretary of Transportation and Energy, who’s spearheading this effort: “Immigrants have made positive contributions to our country for centuries. More importantly, immigrants will be the foundation for the future economic, political and military strength of America.  ‘My Country, My Vote’ will remind these same politicians that immigrants, their loved ones, and their allies are voters and are ready to demonstrate their political power.”
The event will feature top Latino and immigration leaders, including Katherine Archuleta, Former Director US Office of Personnel Management and 2012 Political Director, Obama for America; Dolores Huerta, Co-Founder of the United Farm Workers Union and Longtime Civil Rights and Labor Activist; Federico Pena, former Mayor of Denver and a former US Secretary of Transportation and Energy; and Ken Salazar, Former US Senator and US Secretary of the Interior.  Entravision and Radio TriColor are also bringing their #1 show, ERANZO Y CHOKOLATA,  to broadcast live from Farrand Field from 2-7pm MT.
The “My Country, My Vote” campaign is a multi-group effort led by Federico Pena; Colorado Immigration Rights Coalition; Colorado Latino Leadership Advocacy and Research Organization; Colorado Progressive Coalition; Escuela Tiatelolco; LACLAA; Mi Familia Vota; Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority; Rights For All People; SEIU Local 105; Servicios De La Raza; and Together Colorado.
To learn more about this campaign and the upcoming launch, please visit our Facebook event page.
WHAT:           “My Country, My Vote” Campaign Launch
WHEN:            Tuesday, October 28th, 5-7pm MT; ERANZO Y CHOKOLATA broadcast to begin at2pm MT
WHO:                   Katherine Archuleta, Former Director US Office of Personnel Management and 2012 Political Director, Obama for America
               Dolores Huerta, Co-Founder of the United Farm Workers Union and Longtime Civil Rights and Labor Activist
                              Federico Pena, former Mayor of Denver and a former US Secretary of Transportation and Energy
                              Ken Salazar, Former US Senator and US Secretary of the Interior
WHERE:          Farrand Field at CU Boulder
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