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10/26 – Update from Congressman Scott Tipton

October 26th, 2015

Filed under Community, News, Opinion

 Update from Congressman Scott Tipton

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In Case You Missed It

Tipton votes to dismantle President’s costly, ineffective healthcare law: Congressman Tipton voted to pass legislation to repeal the key provisions of Obamacare, effectively dismantling the law. The Restoring Americans’ Healthcare Freedom Reconciliation Act, which uses a fast-track reconciliation process to force the Senate to vote on the bill would repeal Obamacare’s individual and employer mandates, the 40 percent excise tax on high cost health plans (known as the Cadillac Tax), the medical device tax, the Prevention and Public Health Fund (Obamacare slush fund), and the auto-enrollment mandate for employers. The bill also defunds Planned Parenthood for a year and directs the funding to qualified community health centers that provide healthcare for women and children. Read more.

Tipton votes to reduce bureaucratic delays for responsible domestic minerals development: The Critical Mineral Production Act of 2015 (H.R. 1937), of which Tipton is an original co-sponsor, would reduce overwhelming bureaucratic delays by streamlining the permitting process for domestic minerals production.Read more.

Tipton blasts Obama for using troops, national security as political pawns: “The bipartisan NDAA that the President vetoed today would have provided our men and women serving in harm’s way with the resources necessary to do their jobs as effectively and safely as possible, and included needed reforms to reduce bureaucracy at the Department of Defense,” said Tipton. Read more.

Tipton responds to Interior Department report on EPA’s blowout at the Gold King Mine: Congressman Tipton underscored concerns that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) lacks the engineering expertise to effectively mitigate contamination in abandoned mines following release of the U.S. Department of Interior’s Technical Evaluation of the Gold King Mine Incident that stated, “Abandoned mine guidelines and manuals provide detailed guidance on environmental sampling, waste characterization, and water treatment, with little appreciation for the engineering complexity of some abandoned mine projects that often require, but do not receive, a significant level of expertise.” Read more.

Tipton bill to tailor regulations, encourage sustainable economic growth praised during hearing: The House Committee on Financial Services Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit held a hearing to examine legislative proposals to reduce regulatory burdens on Main Street job creators including Congressman Tipton’s H.R. 2896, the Taking Account of Institutions with Low Operational Risk (TAILOR Act), which would give financial regulators the ability to appropriately tailor regulations to fit a bank or credit union’s business model and risk profile. Read more.


June 2015 Hive Workshops

Yes there is a LOT of stuff left in the garden before

the first real freeze. 

paonia farm.indd
