Today’s Featured Stories
Legislative Update: Rep. Millie Hamner
Legislative Update: Rep. Millie Hamner At the Statehouse, my second bill passed the House today and moved onto the Senate. This bill, HB16-1083 amends the admission standard of Western State Colorado University from “moderately selective” to “selective,” which changes the…Click to view post »
DMEA Opposes Tri-State’s Effort to Limit Local Renewables
DMEA Opposes Effort to Limit Local Renewables Yesterday DMEA learned that its wholesale power supplier, Tri-State Generation & Transmission Association, filed a legal action that threatens DMEA’s efforts to bring renewable generation — and the possibility of tremendous economic development…Click to view post »
DMEA Seeks Nominees to Fill Charitable Trust Vacancies
DMEA Seeks Nominees to Fill Charitable Trust Vacancies (Submitted) Delta-Montrose Electric Association’s (DMEA) Operation Round Up Charitable Trust is seeking to fill two upcoming vacancies for their District #3 and North Region trustee positions. Trustees serve three-year terms and are…Click to view post »
State Representative Crisanta Duran, House Majority Leader, to be keynote speaker at Jefferson-Jackson Dinner February 27.
State Representative Crisanta Duran, House Majority Leader, to be keynote speaker at Jefferson-Jackson Dinner February 27. The Delta County Democratic Party is pleased to announce the Jefferson-Jackson Dinner will be held Saturday, February 27, 2016, at the Fireside Inn,…Click to view post »